Moms, Relationship, Self Care, Tools Gwendolyn Nelson-Terry Moms, Relationship, Self Care, Tools Gwendolyn Nelson-Terry

Tips for Talking to your Therapist

Wondering what to say to your therapist?  Worried you won't know what to share once you are in the room.  Here is a link to an article that may be able to help.

This week I am posting a link to a blog I was featured in on Thriveworks.  The blog normalizes some of the discomfort of starting therapy, sharing your story, and opening up to your therapist.  Towards the end of the blog are some tips I provide on how to prepare for your session and how to open up to your therapist.  I hope you find the information useful.

Here is a link to the blog

If you have any questions or are curious about the therapy process, feel free to send me an email.  I love hearing from readers.  

Are you ready to start making some changes in your life?  Are you ready to start working on your happiness?  If so, I am opening a few extra slots to take on some new clients.  Call 619-383-1900 to schedule your session today or go to to find out more information about how therapy might be able to help you.

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