how to silence those anxious thoughts and worry at bedtime are a big part of what you work on in therapy when you seek help for anxiety. Many client’s report that once they start sleeping better they experience less anxiety. Client’s report feeling rested, better able to handle stress, better able to meet the demands of their job, improved relationships with their partner and co-workers, and they attribute a lot of those positive changes to sleeping better and learning how to manage their anxious thoughts at night time.
Read moreExciting Updates
I'm sorry I have been a little bad about being consistent with my blogging lately. Next week I will return to posting regularly on Wednesday mornings. In the meantime I have been contributing to online blogs, you probably read the one from last week that I posted "Tips for Talking to Your Therapist" and this week I have another great one for you to read. This article is all about being vulnerable in your relationship, such a hard thing to do! It's from the Bustle website and features tips from many different therapist's and some comments from yours truly. Here is a link to the article if you are interested What To Do If You're Having a Hard Time Being Vulnerable In a Relationship also on Bustle 13 Small Changes You Can Make this Weekend to Reduce Your Anxiety.
Read moreTips for Talking to your Therapist
Wondering what to say to your therapist? Worried you won't know what to share once you are in the room. Here is a link to an article that may be able to help.
Read more3 Signs you might be an anxious mom
As moms we are prone to worrying about our babies, that’s part of the job. Are they doing well in school? Are they happy? Do they have friends? Are they being safe when the go out? Worrying about your child is normal but there is a point where the worrying can become too much.
Read moreWhat is Self Care?
They love being a mom so much, they forget about everything else in their life, and one day they wake up and they have nothing left to give. It’s at this point, where they feel they have nothing left to give, that they wander into my office.
Read moreDrinking to cope with motherhood
Today women juggle more responsibilities and have more stress than any other generation before them. They feel pressure to be the perfect parent, bring in an income that allows for a nice house and to pay for their kids soccer and ballet lessons. When at work they feel pressure to be home, when home they feel pressure to be the fun and sexy wife, when with their children they are worried about work. It feels that life is always moving, they are never where they “should” be
Read moreMom Guilt
The truth is that in order to be a good mom you need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your babies. A burnt out, screaming, tired mom is not a good mom, although we all get there some times. To be a good mom you need to be a complete person that nurtures and cares for yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Read more5 Links for Date Night Ideas
Date nights are one of the most fun ways I know of to help keep a relationship strong. If it’s been awhile since you’ve had date night, this might spark some ideas for you and get you motivated to book the sitter so that you and your partner can remember what it feels like to spend some quality time alone.
Read more2 Online Resources for Self Care
Need a moment to yourself or a way to unwind? Here are 2 of my favorite online resources that have helped me to fit in a little bit of self care when life is feeling a little crazy.
Read moreHappy Valentine's Day Moms
Valentine's Day as a mom often means taking the kids to buy Valentine's, struggling to get the kids to complete the Valentines while simultaneously making cookies for the class party. The aftermath is often a messy kitchen, a table covered in glue and glitter and a tired mom who has to clean it all up. This year, Valentine’s Day is on a weekend which means you’ve already done the hard part, you’ve taken care of your Valentine’s Day obligations as a mom. Now I want you to
Read moreAfter the Baby: Getting Your Relationship Back on Track
Even the best of couples can feel off in their relationship after a baby arrives. Exhaustion has set in, routines have changed, and you are in the midst of renegotiating household responsibilities. As the kids get older it can continue to feel as if you and your partner are no longer spending time together, connecting, taking time to be a couple.
John Gottman is a researcher who has studied couples and is considered a
Read moreMorning Routines
Last time we talked about building self care into your nightly routine. How’d it go for you? Were you able to add one act of self care into your evening? In the comments section below let us know how it went.
This week I thought we’d focus on morning routines. Morning routines can look a little less sexy than evening routines. Having kids often means we wake up and are in go mode until the kids get to school. Finding shoes, finishing homework, making sure everyone has their lunch, ate breakfast, and is clear on who goes to what activity after school can be a bit of a juggling act.
So what can you do to make mornings a little less daunting?
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